neural network

Machine Learning from scratch

Introduction This is the second project I already had when I posted Updates to project. Here is its repository: Machine Learning project on GitHub1. I started it as the Artificial Intelligence hype was going stronger, just to have a project on a domain that’s of big interest nowadays. At that point I was thinking to … Read more

Quantum Circuit

Quantum Computing Simulator

Introduction There is a ‘new’ repository on GitHub1. It’s not that new, I think I started it in September 2022, but I didn’t add any description on it here. So, here it is now: A quantum computation project. It’s a quantum computing simulator together with many algorithms as examples and tests. It started first as … Read more

Kohn-Sham equations

Density Functional Theory

Introduction As I already revealed in the last post, I intend to have several projects with Density Functional Theory on this blog. I already have a simple project on GitHub, about a ‘quantum dot’1 with volumetric visualization of orbitals with VTK. I thought that exposing some theory in a separate post would be nice for … Read more

The Hartree-Fock method

Introduction Last time we ended up with a simplified Hamiltonian: and having the variational principle for help. It turns out that this simplified Hamiltonian is not simple enough. In this post I’ll expose one method that allows one to do calculations for quite complex quantum systems, the Hartree-Fock method. Because the subject is quite large, … Read more

How to solve a quantum many body problem

Introduction Quite a bit of time passed since my last post on this blog. I had a visit to the sunny Spain, I switched to a double-surface hang glider and I had to take a little care of my firm. Despite those things, I did a little bit of work for the blog, but it … Read more