Renormalization Groups

Introduction This is another introductory post leading towards a numerical renormalization group program. I thought I should expose some generalities before presenting the numerical renormalization group method and the program that implements it. It’s mostly a collection of links rather than a detailed description. Some links I already supplied a link at the end of … Read more

Quantum Dots

Introduction This post is a continuation of the one on the Kondo effect1 and is leading towards one presenting the numerical renormalization group and a simple program that implements it. I won’t insist much on details about the quantum dots, but I thought I should mention them because the numerical method is widely used to … Read more

The Kondo Effect

Introduction I’ve decided to post several pages about theory before presenting a program, to avoid having long posts that nobody has patience to read. I’ll refer to those posts for details when presenting a program. This post starts a series of posts that will lead to a Numerical Renormalization Group program. A relatively simple one, … Read more