Augmented Plane Waves

Introduction Again, I have a new project on GitHub. It’s not so new, it was working already last year (the APW part) but I didn’t have the patience to write a description for it until now. Actually, there are two new projects on GitHub, related, but this post is about the Augmented Plane Waves1 one. … Read more

radial wavefunctions

DFT for an atom

Introduction I have a new project on GitHub1. The project is using Density Functional Theory to do calculations for an atom. The project is actually not so new, I’ve put it on GitHub more than three months ago, but it had some issues I had to solve and also I did not have patience until … Read more

H-Kr Cross Section

Quantum Scattering

Introduction I have a project on GitHub about Quantum Scattering1 on a Lennard-Jones potential. The idea is from chapter 2 of a book2 I already mentioned on this blog. For this project I won’t put theory here, but refer you to the book instead. It’s a very good book, it’s worth having. I don’t know … Read more

Competitive Lotka-Volterra


Introduction People never cease to amaze me. By that I mean both laymen and ‘scientists’. I’ve seen many opinions of laymen about some sort of a ‘balance’ existing in all sorts of systems that no knowledgeable individual could claim to be in equilibrium. I’ve seen pretenses that the evil and sinning humans are ‘disrupting’ that … Read more


Solving Poisson Equation

Introduction When I started this blog I already expected to have projects that use the Fast Fourier Transform. I actually wrote down several topic ideas for the blog, both solving the Poisson equation and the subject this post will lead to were there, too. I already mentioned in the Relaxation Method post that one can … Read more