

Introduction This is a very brief post, with a simulation written in javascript. It’s a very simple model of how a dissease can spread into a population. You may get the code, adjust the parameters and watch different outcomes. The idea of this project came from this: Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how … Read more

Lattice Boltzmann Density

Lattice Boltzmann

Introduction It’s time for an easier topic than the last time. I noticed – but I also expected it – that I have more success with projects like the Solar System than with a project like the Numerical Renormalization Group. There are mainly two reasons for it: it looks more spectacular to see a 3D … Read more

Newtonian Gravity

Introduction Newton is considered as being the one that started the modern physics, so something related with his work seems appropriate to start this blog. Besides, I had an old program simulating a solar system that I wrote quite a while ago. I wrote the program with the old OpenGL fixed pipeline and leapfrog integration, … Read more