Percolation in fortran

Introduction I thought I should add another project1 to my GitHub repositories and since I was mainly extending the Quantum Computing Simulator project I decided to implement something very simple, but still very rich, a model that despite being simple is still useful for many physical phenomena and also exhibits a phase transition… that is, … Read more


Ray Tracing

Introduction The idea of this project1 came at the time when Nvidia released the RTX graphic cards. I’ve seen lots of comments on various sites about them and realized that many people do not understand what Ray Tracing is about. Since it has Monte Carlo, including importance sampling and obviously it is related with optics, … Read more


Solving Poisson Equation

Introduction When I started this blog I already expected to have projects that use the Fast Fourier Transform. I actually wrote down several topic ideas for the blog, both solving the Poisson equation and the subject this post will lead to were there, too. I already mentioned in the Relaxation Method post that one can … Read more

Lattice Boltzmann Density

Lattice Boltzmann

Introduction It’s time for an easier topic than the last time. I noticed – but I also expected it – that I have more success with projects like the Solar System than with a project like the Numerical Renormalization Group. There are mainly two reasons for it: it looks more spectacular to see a 3D … Read more

Event Driven Molecular Dynamics

Event Driven Molecular Dynamics

Introduction I intended to have some molecular dynamics code for this blog, something a little bit more complex than the one described at Newtonian Gravity post, perhaps something with neighbors lists or maybe again something about gravity but with a Barnes–Hut simulation. I’ll do that maybe later. I found that there are plenty of places … Read more