Monte Carlo Methods

Introduction This is an important branch of computational physics and hopefully I’ll have several programs to post on this topic. I’m quite sure I’ll post at least one. I’ll write here some theoretical things briefly describing the methods, to be referenced later. But before going into that, I’ll point to a book on Computational Physics1 … Read more

The Numerical Renormalization Group

Introduction Finally here1 it is. A simple (relatively) program implementing the Numerical Renormalization Group. I tried to implement it as simple as possible to be easy to understand. Here is the program in action, running an Anderson model at half-filling: I already used charts generated by the program in The Kondo Effect and Renormalization Groups … Read more

Renormalization Groups

Introduction This is another introductory post leading towards a numerical renormalization group program. I thought I should expose some generalities before presenting the numerical renormalization group method and the program that implements it. It’s mostly a collection of links rather than a detailed description. Some links I already supplied a link at the end of … Read more

Quantum Dots

Introduction This post is a continuation of the one on the Kondo effect1 and is leading towards one presenting the numerical renormalization group and a simple program that implements it. I won’t insist much on details about the quantum dots, but I thought I should mention them because the numerical method is widely used to … Read more